Tower Park Opens in Downtown Modesto

Huff Construction is proud to build projects that make a difference in our local communities. Tower Park senior housing which opened in Modesto in June 2016 is an example of just such a project.

A beautiful addition to downtown Modesto, this new free standing building is three stories tall and has 50 living units.  The complex was designed by the Dahlin Group and built by Huff.  It is the first major senior housing project in downtown Modesto since the 11-story Ralston Tower apartments opened more than 40 years ago.

In addition to the 50 living units the Tower Park complex includes a community room, lounge, fitness center and raised vegetable planters. It also includes numerous green building features such as solar water heating, environmentally sensitive interior finishes, low-flow faucets and shower heads, green label carpet, and Energy Star-rate appliances.

Keeping its senior residents in mind the complex includes “wayfinding” features such as each floor with its own color scheme and hallways that are lined with waist-high decorative molding that’s about the depth of a windowsill, so residents can use it as they would a handrail. These design elements have been incorporated to help seniors who might experience forgetfulness or balance problems.

According to the Satellite Affordable Housing Association Executive Director Susan Friedland, “Projects like tower park apartments are so important because they strengthen neighborhoods by providing the aging members of our communities with quality affordable homes and services that empower them, and help them age with dignity.” Huff Construction is proud to be a part of important projects like Tower Park!

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